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Promoting School’s Efficiency through Academic and Non-Academic Outputs

Safi Ullah, Muhammad Yunas, Muhammad Iqbal, Hina Gul


School’s outputs are graduates of the school who completed a given cycle of education in stipulated time. They have the requisite knowledge and skills induced by school. It may be in the form of different capacities created in students by schools such as competence in utilizing language, math, social and natural science and citizenship. Poor performance of output indicators may reflect various problems in programme design and implementation or adverse changes in external factors. Output indicators can be categorized into academic/cognitive and non-academic/non-cognitive. Academic/ cognitive outputs include learning skills, writing skills, knowledge of arithmetic, special knowledge of skills and specialization. In order to measure the cognitive outputs, the objectives of any particular age-group can be set, common curriculum can be devised and standardized tests can be formulated. Most parents expect that school will induce basic moral and ethical values in their wards as well as achievement in terminal examination. The school will also prepare students for their place in the wider society, not only in terms of cognitive skills but in social skills and interpersonal relationships, as well. Output indicators include number of graduates at a particular level and their test scores; the information about dropout rate; completion rate, survival rate, examination pass rate, enhancing enrolment and minimizing dropout rate, increasing graduation rate are related to the efficiency of schools.

An Analysis of the Causes of Terrorism in Europe

Hamza Abid


This paper discusses the major causes of terrorism in Europe. Terrorism is a complex set of phenomena. There are common root causes which result in the proliferation of violence in different parts of the world including Europe. This paper provides a comprehensive discussion about the role of right wing and left-wing extremism, and national, regional, and international terrorist groups, and the way they affect the peace in the region. The paper also discusses how the treatment of minorities and their suppression might lead to incidents of extremism and terrorism. The aspects of religious and political differences between the people living in the Europe, and how these differences make Europe more vulnerable are covered as well. Based on our previous study (Encinas, 2018), this paper divides Europe into 7 strategic blocks to help understand the terrorism in a regional perspective.

On Developing a Marketing Plan to Introduce Hair & Beauty Products

Yousaf Raheel


This paper provides a marketing plan for a proposed Head & Shoulders Olive Oil Extracts shampoo brand. Internal and external market analysis has been provided using SWOT, PESTEL, and Porter 5 Force Model. A thorough marketing strategy has been provided though 4 Ps Marketing Mix model along with a detailed assessment of value to consumers as a consequence of the marketing strategy.

School Play Therapy Videos for Controlling Aggressive Behavior of Students at Secondary School Level

Maria Bibi, Fatima Rida


The focus of the study was to analyze the aggressive behavior among students and try to control it with the help of therapeutic techniques. The purpose of this study was to apply the play therapy videos for controlling the aggressive behavior of students at secondary school level. The study was conducted on boys in 10th grade. The anger management videos, drawing play therapy, and clay play therapy were applied to control their anger and aggressive behavior. It was an experimental research conducted for six weeks having 25 sample size. ‘Aggression-problem behavior frequency’ scale was used to measure the level of aggression among students. Only students with high aggression level were selected as sample of the study. The difference between the aggressive behavior of experimental group students was calculated through paired sample t-tests. The significant values of t-tests (0.000) indicated that with the application of therapeutic videos in six different sessions helped students to control aggressive behavior. The study concluded that the play therapy helped to control the aggressive behavior of the students. It is recommended that teachers should apply the play therapies in order to minimize the aggressive behavior problems among students.

Evaluation of Energy Efficiency of Popular Mobile Payment Protocols

Munir Hussain, Syed Usman Jamil


Over the last few years, the popularity of both electronic and mobile commerce (M-Commerce) has increased due to advancement in the Information Technology (IT). Evaluation of E-commerce and M-commerce protocols has always remained a subject of sustained effort to find an optimal solution. Mobile devices are resource constrained in terms of memory, processing and battery power. There have been efforts in the past for evaluation of such protocols based on the issues like privacy, security and efficiency. In this paper special consideration however is given to the battery power and thus evaluates few well-known M-commerce payment protocols for their battery requirements in terms of energy cost and compares energy cost of these protocols to find the most optimal solution for mobile payment.  Initial objective of this paper finds out energy consumption for every individual entity involved in the most popular mobile payments protocols. After the earlier has been achieved, the second and the most fundamental objective of this work is to calculate the overall energy consumption and to analyze these selected protocols to find out the most energy efficient protocol.

Handling Noise and Mobile Phone Usage in the Classroom: A Disruptive Behaviour Case Study

M Adeel, S Al-Sultan


Disruptive behaviour is the most critical and persistent challenge a teacher faces throughout his career. Pedagogists term disruptive behaviour as the behaviour that stops the process of learning to take place. Disruptive behaviour has a catastrophically demoralising effect on the teachers. Study of the literature reveals that the instances of classroom disruptions date back to the 13th century Rome. Active research in this domain has enabled researchers to devise effective strategies to cope with disruptions of various natures. This case study analyses classroom disruptions caused by students indulged in making excessive noise, and use of mobile phones. We assess physical, emotional, and environmental factors behind these disruptions, and discuss strategies to effectively tackle them.

An Overview of the Cultural History of the Middle East

Waseem Ahmed


The Middle East is a diverse region with heterogeneity in culture. In this paper we will discuss different cultural aspects of the Middle East, generating a comprehensive picture of its cultural values and how over the course of time it has changed. We will also discuss religious shift in the region as Middle East is a birthplace of three main religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. We will also talk about their day-to-day life and art and architecture.

Comparative Analysis of the Emerging Wireless Network Technologies

Hamza Abid


This paper provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of emerging wireless network technologies, focusing on 5G, Wi-Fi 6, and Wi-Fi 7. The study evaluates these technologies based on key performance metrics such as speed, latency, and capacity, as well as their real-world applications. By examining the technical specifications and practical implementations of each technology, this paper aims to offer insights into their implications for the future of wireless communication. The analysis highlights the advancements brought by each technology, their potential to meet the growing demand for high-speed connectivity, and their suitability for various applications ranging from consumer electronics to industrial automation. The findings of this study are intended to guide stakeholders in making informed decisions about adopting and integrating these technologies into their networks.

Effect of Anxiety on Second Language Learning: A Case Study of Public Secondary School Students

Sara Hamid, Sanaullah


Language anxiety can be aroused in many situations. The challenges the undergraduates are faced with while adjusting to a second language ought to be researched by specialists. In Pakistani setting, this contextual analysis will feature the connection of the anxiety with the second language learning. The main aim of the study is to find out the causes of anxiety that affect second language learning at the secondary level. Main objectives of the study are to explore different strategies and how to build confidence level among students of second language learning. Thus, the nature of the study is quantitative survey-based; the population selected by the researchers was the students at government secondary schools of district Peshawar. Through a stratified sampling technique, four schools were selected; 10 students each from class 9th and 10th participated in the study in order to achieve the desired sample size (80 questionnaires). The data was collected personally by the researchers, arranged into tables, and then analyzed using frequencies and percentage. Most of the respondents were of the opinion that they are nervous and face difficulty in comprehending fast speakers, but do not get bored in the class. Most of the students believed that teachers using different techniques helps them tell stories and makes them active and energetic in the class. The main recommendations are that the awareness of students needs to be raised about the causes that influence their second language learning. Taking into consideration the results of this research project, teachers need to use language games to improve students’ second language learning. Teachers must try their level best to give rather easy language tests, while all the teacher training institutions should teach the strategies to reduce anxiety of the students.

Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy: Launching a Beverage Product in South Asian Markets

Yousaf Raheel


This paper provides an integrated marketing communication strategy for launching a beverage product in Pakistan. Context analyses conducted as part of this study include internal and external analysis, business analysis, stakeholder analysis, and customer analysis. In context of marketing communication strategy, this research includes SMART marketing communication objectives, a detailed discussion on considerations in developing marketing communication strategy, a comprehensive strategy to achieve marketing communication objectives, and discussion on the mechanism of controlling and evaluation of marketing communications plan. It is important to highlight that although in this work, a focus has been placed on the consumer market of Pakistan, due to socio-cultural and demographic similarities between the countries in South Asia, this strategy will prove equally effective in India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal and Bhutan. 

Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN): Security and Authentication Methods

Munir Hussain


The demand for WBAN has increased for last few years because it is useful network to monitor and improve various health conditions of human being. Information’s exchanges among different entities are very sensitive, so it is vital to keep this information’s secure from unauthorized access in order to avoid unpleasant incidents. Security and privacy are the most critical issues. Security is the important issue for any network and especially in WBANs its proper management is very crucial otherwise biomedical data collected by sensor nodes should be mixed with other user’s data. Also, patients do not want their personal data to be misused and WBAN should provide the privacy to prevent eavesdropping. Mutual authentication is also a key challenge in WBAN, and patients’ data originality and integrity are important for their treatment diagnosis etc. Development of the new mutual authentication schemes in healthcare applications without considering security makes patient privacy vulnerable. In this paper, we discuss communication technologies, possible attacks and recently most used popular authentication methods in WBANs.

Evaluation of Employee Retention Strategies in Indian BPO Industry: IBM Case Study

Mehul Mehta


Over the past two decade the importance of the employee retention has grown. Most of the organisations understand that human resources are one of the primary factors for the organisational success and their growth. In the globalised world the competition between the organisations has increased and they are not going back to pay the price to acquire and retain the best talents in the market. Efficient and dedicated employees will drive the organisation towards goals. In the domain of human resource management, the employee retention is one of the topmost priorities related to the organisation’s performance.
The study explores the importance of the employee retention and how it affects the organisational performance. The study also investigates the strategies adopted by the IBM India. With the aid of valuable data, the study explores the link between retaining the best talents in the market and an increase in the organisational performance.  

Relationship between Principals’ Instructional Supervision and Teachers’ Performance at Secondary Level

Safi Ullah, Um-e-Kulsoom, Mamriz Khan


It is an established fact that the teachers are the catalysts for improving the quality of teaching learning process. This focus is based on the assumption that understanding the perception of teachers on the contribution of principal’s instructional supervision towards the performance of teachers. The principal is supposed to procure teaching materials to schools for teachers to work with in order to improve classroom instructions. Principals may always be ready to assist the teachers and interact with them in cordial manner. This study aimed to explore the “Relationship between Principal’s Instructional Supervision and Its Influence on Teachers Performance at Secondary Level in Peshawar”. For this purpose, data was collected from 25 girls high and higher secondary schools randomly. Eight teachers from each school were randomly selected, so 200 teachers constituted the sample size of the study. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondent teachers. The Reliability test of the test items, a pilot study was carried out. The questionnaire was administered among 20 teachers other than the sample. Cronbach’s Alpha was carried out which yielded results within the acceptable range. Data analysis was made by using statistical tools such as Descriptive Statistics, One-Sample t-test, Pearson Correlation-test and Regression Analysis. The management may provide latest instructional technology to the educational institution for effective teaching learning process. Finally, recommendations were put forward based on future researchers may take up research on the use of instructional technology at secondary level.

Curriculum Development for Inclusive Education

Asghar Hussain


Using a short revision course as a test case, this paper will look at the wider issues revolving around developing a curriculum; it will look closely at the process and praxis of the educational journey to attain the product with a deeper understanding of what is being studied. The paper will also discuss how the managing of product and process, amidst a lecturer/teacher’s knowledge of their students is increasingly important. In addition, recognizing the student’s objectives and pushing them to search out (with a certain degree of autonomy) their own objectives through reflection and contextualization of learning.

An Analysis of the Causes and Impacts of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis 

Mohammad A Shahzad


This research evaluates the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis of 2008. The analysis indicates that the unrealistic assumptions were the major reason behind mispricing in the unregulated market causing credit default swaps which finally resulted in explosion of residential mortgage defaults. In the second half of the paper, we will discuss the consequences of this financial crisis and how it affected the global economy and resulted in unprecedented job losses.

Effectiveness of Educational Electronic Portfolio in Classroom Assessment at College Level

Maria Bibi, Fatima Rida


The utilization of educational technology is an emerging trend and phenomenon around the globe, it is also introducing rapidly in the education system. Currently, the formation of the latest opportunities, context, and digital technology bring the important changes in the teaching learning strategies and overall evaluation used in approximately all discipline, which they used digital portfolio. The educational electronic portfolio plays their role in the students learning as well as in their academic assessment. The incorporation of technology is common in the education system but the use of the electronic portfolio for students, assessment is a new phenomenon in academia. Action research was carried out in a public college in Punjab, Pakistan. The sample of the study was 25 students from second year, and five students from PGD program, and all 14 instructors of the college. The educational electronic portfolio was developed by the instructors with the help of the experts and then the introduction and guidance about educational electronic portfolio was given to selected students and all instructors of the college. Both instructors and students created the educational electronic portfolio. The data was collected by students and instructors. Two Likert scale questionnaires with 3-point options were used for data collection. Data was analyzed by SPSS and Descriptive statistics were calculated. Findings show that the majority of the instructors and students were in favour of the educational electronic portfolio and consider it as an effective and innovative tool for learning and assessment as well. Study recommended that instructors need to learn to create such type of educational electronic portfolios for students’ assessment purposes. Moreover, this strategy can be applied in the classroom to enhance students’ learning.

Attitude of Students towards Inclusive Education in University of Peshawar

Habib Nawaz, Amjad Reba, Muhammad Yousaf


This study was designed to investigate the attitude of students towards inclusive education. The main purpose of this study was to find out the feelings of the students towards handicapped students. This was a descriptive type of study. The tool of the study was questionnaire consisting of three parameter of attitude. The population of the study was the students of institute of education and research, University of Peshawar. 50 students were the sample size of the study and were selected randomly from the population. The data were collected through questionnaire and then presented in tabulation in figures and percentages. The data were analyzed through SPSS and then interpreted. The study found that handicapped students’ attitude towards other fellows were friendly. Moreover, the students did not feel shamed while introducing his/her handicapped classmate to other friends. However, most of the handicapped students were in inferiority complex because people did not give any preference to handicapped friend over normal friend. Furthermore, the study concluded that handicapped students could contribute to the welfare of society and state if they have given opportunities and proper attention. It is recommended that awareness program about handicapped students and their needs may be initiated. Inclusive practices may be increased in educational institutions.

Strategies of Teachers for Dealing with Student Misbehavior in Classroom

Sana Rahat


This research aims to analyze different strategies of teachers for dealing with the misbehavior of students in a classroom. The objectives of the study were to determine the most common disruptive misbehavior of students and to explore different strategies used by teachers for dealing with problematic students. The nature of the study is quantitative. Four schools were conveniently selected from Cantt, Saddar Peshawar area. The respondents will be 9th and 10th-class teachers. For data collection, a self-structured close-ended questionnaire was prepared based on a five-point Likert scale. The researcher visited the schools personally and collected the data. The researcher analyzed the data by putting the data into SPSS version 21 and organized it in the form of frequencies and percentages. The researcher used chi-square for the testing of hypotheses. 
The study concluded that student misbehaviors affect the smoothness and effectiveness of teaching in the classroom and different strategies adopted by teachers for controlling the disruptive behavior of students in the classroom play an important role in improving student behavior and motivating them toward learning. Recommended measures for dealing with student misbehavior include arranging sessions and seminars for students to understand the roots of their problems and interacting with the parents to understand if the student might be dealing with a stressful situation at home.

Development of a Management Information System for UK Cash & Carry Business

Michael James Wood


This paper discusses the management and development of information systems in a small to medium sized cash and carry organization based in the United Kingdom. The paper discusses development for IT requirements, maintenance and the Input/outputs of operations for employees working in data processing or an IT department. Social and ethical issues are also discussed as well as how data base management systems can be useful to produce reports for middle to higher management.

Cyber-Edge Computing Applications and Challenges: A Review

Muhammad Ali Paracha, Syed Noman Jamil, Abdul Rasheed, Nadia Jamil


This research paper investigates the realm of Cyber-Edge computing, further reviewing its fundamental concepts, challenges, and applications. In a rapidly evolving landscape of interconnected devices and data-driven paradigms, the convergence of edge computing and cybersecurity takes centre stage. The paper commences by explaining the core components of Cyber-Edge architecture, encompassing policies, management, and protocols. Furthermore, it explores the Cyber-Edge applications, showcasing its transfor- mative potential in domains such as smart agriculture, smart homes, and enhanced healthcare systems. In navigating the landscape of Cyber-Edge, inherent challenges surface, ranging from cyber threats to privacy concerns, thereby prompting an analysis of future directions. Additionally, the paper formulates pivotal research questions that pave the way for further exploration in this dynamic field. The manuscript is structured on Cyber-Edge fundamentals, examines challenges, highlights practical IoT applications within the Edge paradigm and finally, presents research questions, followed by comprehensive conclusions. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the interdependent relationship between Cyber-Edge computing and security emerges as a cornerstone in shaping the landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge networking.

Level of Job Satisfaction Among University Teachers Working in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Shakila Malik, Asma


The study was aimed at examining the role of recognition, achievement, work itself, advancement, and responsibilities. The study was based on a survey. The population comprised 1199 private university teachers, while the sample size was 250 respondents. Linear regression analysis was used to test the study hypothesis. The adapted questionnaire was for data collection while tool was validated through KMO and Bartlett test. Reliability was checked through Cronbach alpha. The results of the research revealed that faculty are more intrinsically satisfied than extrinsically. This implies that employees who are intrinsically satisfied with their educational environment will have higher levels of job performance, and these employees will contribute positively towards the success and overall productivity of the university. If the university management wants to boost the job satisfaction of the faculty, provide them with better opportunities in all aspects of their job, and adopt strategies to enhance their job satisfaction.

Analysis of the Role of Social Workers in Disaster Management

Yousaf Raheel


In this paper we will discuss the role of social workers in helping out the people who suffered from disasters. It is evident that Social Workers have always been whole heartedly supporting the people as well as governmental organizations to combat challenges that occur immediately after any disaster such as hunger, lack of shelter homes, lack of blood donors, issues in accessing deserving people, distribution of food items, digging out the corpse, helping people recover from the loss and many more challenges. In this paper we will focus on four major disasters which resulted in a large number of causalities and the role of social workers in the recovery process.

Impact of New Educational Technologies on the Performance of the Teachers in the Secondary Schools of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Tahira Roohi, Niaz Muhammad Aajiz


The purpose of this paper is to study the provision and application of new educational technologies with reference to the effective and appropriate performance of the secondary school teachers of KPK. Using the survey method, the data were gathered from 200 teachers through a questionnaire. The questionnaire had two parts; part one sought participant’s demographic information, whilst part two examined the practice, competencies, changing role and parameters of the teachers by incorporating new educational technologies. This paper argues that engaging with new technologies the teachers can make continuous everlasting professional development which enhances the educator’s achievement. This paper also suggests some possible ways in which technologies transit the effective teaching to the new future of educational system.

Analysis of the Key Components of Supply Chain of a UK Retailer in the Context of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

Babar Zaman, Mohammad A Shahzad


This paper is aimed at evaluation of the supply chain of Sainsbury’s, one of the leading UK retailers in context of delivery of fruits and vegetables. We will assess supply chain of Sainsbury’s in context of key components such as inventory, facilities, transportation, and warehousing technologies. We attempt to analyse how Sainsbury’s manages their supply chain function to ensure the effective and efficient flow of fresh fruit and vegetables into operation, to better serve customer and reduce costs. We will explore their practices and discuss how recent improvements in their supply chain have helped Sainsbury’s become a more efficient and cost-effective. 

Efficient Data Aggregation Scheme in Secure Tree based Wireless Sensor Networks (EDAS)

Khalid Khan


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have emerged as an important area of research from the last two decades. In WSNs, sensors have limited memory, computational capability and battery power. One of the solutions to these issues is to reduce the data transmission and today, various data aggregation protocols have been proposed to reduce network traffic. But they created security issues like authentication, data integrity and freshness. Hop-by-hop secure data aggregation protocols were proposed to provide security along with data aggregation function. But, data on the aggregators still need to be secured because aggregators are exposed to node compromises. End-to-end secure data aggregation protocols are proposed. They provide end-to-end security and privacy of data. One of these protocols is Secure End-to-End Data Aggregation (SEEDA), which ensured end-to-end privacy of data. However, the protocol has higher communication cost and computational overheads because it sends extra bits/data regarding non-responding nodes and performs unnecessary computations for non-responding nodes. I proposed new protocol, EDAS which reduces 12% to 25% communication and computational overheads as compared to SEEDA and it is also efficient in energy consumption.


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