JHM - IOARP Journal of Healthcare Management
IOARP Journal of Healthcare Management (JHM) provides a forum for publication of qualitative and quantitative research on the key issues affecting health management practice and applied research. JHM adopts an interdisciplinary approach and covers variety of topics such as productivity and operation analysis, strategic management, managed healthcare, health policy, hospital management and other related areas. Delivering high standards of hea ...
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JCP - IOARP Journal of Crop Production
IOARP Journal of Crop Production (IOARP JCP) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles, short communications, and research notes reporting experimental and theoretical contributions to crop science in the fields of crop physiology, crop production and management, agro-climatology and modelling, plant-soil relationships, crop quality and post-harvest physiology, farming and cropping systems, and agro-ecosyste ...
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JPT - IOARP Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
IOARP Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology inviting scholars, researchers, scientists, and philosophers to showcase and exhibit their research contributions in particular fields. Pharmacology and Toxicological play a vital role in the modern-day pharmaceutical industry, as scientists strive towards cures for diseases and infections. They are striving to understand the complex interactions between the body ...
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Neurology - IOARP Journal of Neurology
We are particularly interested in publishing cutting-edge research converging with the domains such as; engineering and physical sciences, social sciences and humanities, and life, health, and biomedical sciences. Authors are invited to submit their contributions in form of theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative, and critical methods on all topics of Neurology.
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JVS - IOARP Journal of Veterinary Sciences
lOARP Journal of Veterinary Science IOARP JVS offers a forum for academics, researchers, health professionals, and practitioners for discussion and exploration of theoretical and practical aspects and emerging issues in veterinary science.
JVS aims to provide participants with a unique networking opportunity to meet the prominent researchers and practitioners in the ...
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Cognition - Journal of Cognitive Psychology
We are particularly interested in publishing cutting-edge research converging with the domains such as; engineering and physical sciences, social sciences and humanities, and life, health, and biomedical sciences. Authors are invited to submit their contributions in form of theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative, and critical methods on all topics of Psychology.
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